
"Let us always meet each other with a smile, for a smile is the beginning of love" - Mother Teresa

Beyond Mountains

Beyond Mountains

The Chosen (Season Two, Episode Eight)

Over the next few weeks, I’ll be writing some thoughts and reflection questions for each episode of the TV show, The Chosen. I hope you’ll join me for this spiritual journey and pray that you’ll be open to hear what God might be wanting to communicate to you through this show! :)


This episode begins with three men on a mountain, who are discussing a business deal. The older man seems hesitant to sell his land since it has been in his family for forty generations, and he does not understand why the other two are so persistent to purchase it from him. They explain that their intention is to use the land to create tombs for the middle class since only the wealthy can afford tombs closer to the city. They want to provide a more affordable solution for the proper burial of these deceased individuals, especially since there is an increase in deaths among the middle class because of their tax debt. The older man still struggles to make a decision of whether or not to seal the deal but eventually accepts their offer even despite his emotional connection to the land.

The business man and his apprentice, later identified as Judas, are triumphant at the negotiation they just accomplished, purchasing a salt mine at the price of a country plot, but Judas seems a little bothersome because of the emotional connection that the man had to his land. Judas says that it did not feel good to deceive the man, but his mentor thinks that they just used what God gave them, which will allow them to be better devoted to God because they will have better lives due to their new wealth. Judas still feels like there has to be more to life, and he desires a life of which he can be proud, having done something that will be remembered throughout history.

The disciples are all on edge at their campsite, snapping at each other over different things while they make final preparation for Jesus’s big upcoming sermon. Meanwhile, Ramah and Mary of Magdala are in their tent, practicing reading, writing, and memorizing scripture. Tamar has also joined the group at the camp and quickly notices the tension among the men, who always seem to be arguing with one another. Thomas tells Tamar that it’s called love and that they all love Rabbi and want to follow Him in the right way. However, they cannot agree on what that right way is. Little James, Nathanael, and Thaddeus are in search of the location for the sermon. Jesus has given them specific details of what to look for, which the disciples point out are so specific that it is as if He already know exactly where He wants to deliver it and that they just have to find it.

The business man and Judas overhear the disciples struggling to convince a man to let them use his land for Jesus’ sermon. They help convince him to do it by stating that he would end up getting a lot of business from the “multitude” of people who would be in attendance. He agrees, and the disciples are overjoyed. The business man is also overjoyed at the fact that he was able to use his gift of convincing people to help with the decision. He explains to Judas that he doesn’t want to be in business forever, but that he just wants to make enough money to make his own choices. He agrees with Judas that he believes there is more to life than deals and titles.


Matthew and Jesus are on a mountain together, and Jesus has been watching the disciples the entire time. Matthew wishes that the disciples can find a way to work together since they can’t seem to agree on much recently, and Jesus says that He has noticed. He said it is bound to happen when you start something that is “open to all.” He recognizes that the disciples have been through tough times and are, therefore, hesitant and skeptical but also bold and confident. Jesus has asked Matthew to help Him with His sermon. Jesus asks Matthew for his honest opinion about the sermon and says that He won’t be offended by what Matthew thinks. Matthew honestly shares how it seems to be filled with more bad news than good. Jesus tells Matthew that He is not on Earth to be “sentimental and soothing” but that He wants to start a revolution. Jesus says that the beginning of the sermon needs to include an invitation to the complex and challenging teachings that are presented in the rest of it.

Matthew asks what Jesus means when He says, “You are salt of the earth,” since he doesn’t understand metaphors well. Jesus explains that salt preserves meat and slows its decay, and He wants His followers to hold back evil from the world. He also explains that salt enhances flavor, and He wants His followers to renew the world and be part of its redemption. Finally, He says that salt can be mixed with honey and rubbed on skin as a natural remedy, and He wants His followers to participate in the healing of the world. Jesus says that He does not want passive followers, but that He wants those who are committed and looking for Truth.

The disciples continue to spread the word about the sermon, inviting people to come see and hear what Jesus has to say. However, Jesus is still up on the mountain with Matthew, praying and “working” on His sermon. The disciples are worried about the sermon and making sure everything is perfect. On the mountain, Jesus wakes up Matthew, who has fallen asleep, and says that He knows how He is going to start the sermon. He wants to provide directions on where people should look to find Him. While looking down at the camp, Jesus begins reciting the Beatitudes while Matthew writes down His words.

I loved how The Chosen had flashbacks to different scenes from earlier episodes while Jesus was reciting the beginning of His sermon. It was as if He was thinking of each of the disciples and those particular moments as He was speaking. This scene was a beautiful reminder of God’s omnipotence, omniscience, and omnipresence. God is all-powerful, all-knowing, and present everywhere. He knows us better than we know ourselves, and He sees us. I truly believe that each person desires to be seen, known, and loved, and it is so incredibly comforting to know that there is someone who actually sees me, who actually knows me, and who actually loves me.

Jesus finishes final preparations for His sermon, and His mother calls to Him and says they have something for Him. When Jesus tells her that He is preparing, she says that they’ll come to Him, which is a beautiful example of what Mary, Mother of God still does, even today -- brings people to her Son. They bring him different colored fabric for Him to wear with his neutral colored cloak. He asks for the opinion of the women on which color He should choose, but they are divided between blue and purple. Simon’s wife, Eden arrives and says hello to him, but Jesus calls her over to help break the tie between the two colors. After Eden chooses the blue fabric, Mary, Jesus’s mother, helps Him put it on, and she gets emotional because she wishes Jesus’s father were there to see Him. Jesus jokes by saying “which one?” but eventually admits that He misses him but is glad that she is there. Mary admits that she is proud of Jesus and that anything He says will be beautiful.

Barnaby and Shula, two friends of Jesus and the disciples, make their way to the “backstage” area, where the disciples are standing before Jesus delivers His sermon, and they bring Judas along with them. Nathanael recognizes him and invites him to stick around. Jesus walks by all of the disciples, who watch him lovingly and proudly as he steps out and faces the massive crowd to deliver His sermon.


~What does it mean for you to be salt of the earth? What does it mean for you to be light of the world? How are you living out these identities to which Jesus is calling us?

~At this moment in your spiritual journey, do you consider yourself a passive or active follower of Jesus? What can you do to become more committed to Christ and to the search for Truth?

~How does it make you feel to be truly seen, known, and loved by God? Is it easy or difficult for you to accept that truth? Why?

To watch seasons one and two for free, download The Chosen app on Apple or Android mobile devices.

If you end up loving the show and want to “pay it forward” to help fund season two, you can either make a donation in the app and/or purchase the season one DVD set for yourself or friends/family.

Don't Let Me Fall, Father

Don't Let Me Fall, Father

